It all started when Amanda Valdes and I were lucky enough to get the attention of the film’s PR team. It was a complete surprise to get that email! We’ve collaborated on murals in the past, so when they mentioned they wanted us to work together on a Suicide Squad-inspired mural, we started brainstorming right away. I knew, though it was hot in Miami and I was 6 months pregnant, that the piece was going to be perfect fit for us. Amanda and I dove right into the project full force. We read up on the characters, watched all the trailers, listened to the soundtrack and started sketching. Amanda and I typically reference women as our subject matter, so including male characters allowed us to really do something different.

We wanted to mix classic comic book elements from the film into the mural by incorporating wheat pasted posters into the piece. The mixed media feel seemed to fit into the urban landscape of Wynwood. The marketing folks, DC comics, and Warner Bros loved they idea. I love all the female characters of Suicide Squad but my favorite is Katana. She uses her bad ass talents to fight for justice and captures their souls in her sword. The actress behind Katana, Karen Fukuhara, is so sweet. I had the chance to meet her and she said she admired my artwork. She wrote me a personal dedication on a Suicide Squad poster.

Overall, it was an incredible experience. Everyone was so down-to-earth. The director, David Ayer, told us his daughter was interested street art and asked Amanda and I for stickers. Will Smith is magnetic and charismatic. He is full of energy, funny and genuine. Amanda and I sat and spoke with Margot Robbie and Karen Fukuhara, they were interested in us and asked us questions. The entire cast was so gracious and kind overall. At the end of the event, they all signed a Suicide Squad poster that I plan to hang in my baby boy’s room. It was truly a memorable experience.